Construction, Forestry, Biomass, Material Handling, Sawmill & Woodworking Machinery

Browse Machinery Types
Recently Added
2018 Bandit ZT1844 Stump Grinder
$20,000 USD
Stump Grinders
Stock No. 13398084
Located in the Midwest, US
2007 John Deere 548G III Skidder
$145,000 USD
Stock No. 13398073
Located in the Midwest
2023 Bandit SG40 Stump Grinder
$27,000 USD
Stump Grinders
Stock No. 13398012
Located in the Midwest, US
2023 Tigercat 602 Skidder
$270,000 USD
Stock No. 13393500
Located in the Mid Atlantic
2014 Tigercat 250D Log Loader - Grapple
$125,000 USD
Log Loaders
Stock No. 13393310
Located in the Southeast, US
2004 Caterpillar 525B Skidder - Grapple
$47,000 USD
Stock No. 13392294
Located in the Southeast US
2013 Ford F-750 Forestry Bucket Truck - Altec LR760-E70 Aerial Lift
$68,000 USD
Forestry Bucket Trucks
Stock No. 13392141
Located in the Northeast US
2013 Ford F-750 Forestry Bucket Truck - Altec LR760-E70 Aerial Lift
$65,000 USD
Forestry Bucket Trucks
Stock No. 13391919
Located in the Northeast US
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